
The Palace at Rio Frio is north of Madrid, near Segovia. This palace was built for the stepmother of one of the kings. It isn't quite finished and was rarely used as the royal residence, primarily being utilized as a hunting lodge.

The palace at La Granja was used as the summer palace by many different members of the royal family. The gardens located behind the palace are extensive with an elaborate set of fountains copied from those at Versailles by the Bourbon line of kings. The fountains here are supposed to actually be superior to those in France, according to some experts. The fountains only operate for a short period of time one or two days a week.

A view of the fuente, or fountain, directly behind the palace at La Granja. Note "la jefa" in right foreground.

Another fountain in the gardens. On this day, eight of the fountains were operated, rather than the usual five, so many more people were on the scene.

The operation of the fountains at La Granja was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the "gente" or people.

The royal palace, or Palacio Real, in Madrid is still used for occasional state functions. The palace is the building on the left, the spired building being a catedral. The last king to live here was the one before the civil war in the 1930's. The present king lives in a palace on the outskirts of Madrid. He is quite popular and seems to be leading the country toward prosperity. He was shown recently on TV driving  himself to the hospital, without any escorts, to see his newest "nieto", or grandson.

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