Casa In Madrid - 1998
A view from the street in Madrid.
Looking toward the street. The roses bloomed for
a month and a half.
The side of the house. Left entrance is into the
pantry/laundry and kitchen. Right one is the foyer.
The rear view.
Back yards and the common area from our balcony.
Hedges are big over here.
Casa in Andalucia - 1999
Living Room
Dining Area off Living Room
Goat Roasting area just outside kitchen and dining
Back yard and pool - the distant mountain top
is Gibraltar.
View of back of house. On the right, downstairs,
are two bedrooms; above them is the master bedroom. The chimney is for
the fireplace in the living room.
La jefa surveying the back yard. On the house,
the cupola roof is over the water heater area.
View from upstairs bedroom terrace. There is a
famous golf course down below the house, although not distinguishable in
this picture - Valderrama, where the 1997 Ryder Cup was played.
Backyard from bedroom terrace. It's big enough to put a few head of cattle out there.